Saturday, January 17, 2009

28 Weeks!

I feel like I am on the stretch toward delivery! Only 12 weeks left, and honestly, I don't think I will go that far! This baby should be out at the end of March, mark my word... :-) I had my 28 wk appt. on Wed and I am at 151.6 lbs, about 16 lbs heavier than when I became pregnant. My dr said everything was perfect. Kaeden's heartrate was 155bpm, which is normal for him. As Dr. King was feeling around, he was like, "Wow, your baby is tiny!" I took that as abnormal and he retracted and said he meant that the baby was tiny compared to my larger than normal bag of waters and that the baby seemed the right size for his age. Well there ya go, that explains this big ol belly! After answering all my questions, he even removed a small ingrown toenail! A doc of all trades. I got my rhogam shot and now we are ready for the next appt, 32 weeks, which we will hopefully have an ultrasound and see if the baby is head first.... I have been having Braxton Hicks for the last 2 weeks or so, which I never had with Savana so at first I didn't know what was going on! My tummy tightens all up and gets so hard and uncomfortable... that happens about 5 times a day!

The next item on the agenda is to tell about that small baby shower that Kyle's ward (7D in Wilford Hall) put on for us and one other expecting couple. They ordered Chinese for everyone and someone made a HUGE cake which was really nice. We received some Target gift cards, onesies, diapers, clothes, towels, blankets, and lots of other necessities that will be less on my list to buy now... I think Kyle had more fun than I did, check out his face in these pics....