Wednesday, September 17, 2008

10 weeks, 6 days

Yeah! I had an ultrasound today and this is what Baby Perry looks like! I actually rotated the pics so you could see them better, but in actuality the baby is facing the ground, spine up. The heartbeat was 160bpm, and my doc was laughing at the baby b/c watching the monitor, you could see the arms and legs flailing about! It was amazing, like a cockroach would do on its back (I know that's gross, but that is the only visual I could think of to truly explain the activity!) Wow, it was amazing! The baby looks so big to me, but is only 1.5" approximately!
It's funny, I've actually lost weight, I weighed in today at 132.2....


Tiffany Wickes said...

Look at that little critter! Soon it will be looking back at you :)I love your belly pics, I think there is starting to be a little baby pouch. Rub that lotion in, I think it helped me.

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